It’s now six weeks since I joined the Clear Books team so it’s a good time to reflect on what’s happened during that time, where we are and where we’re heading.

What was most noticeable from day one was just how warm and welcoming the Clear Books team are. It’s a young and hugely enthusiastic group, determined to provide our customers and partners with a first rate product and top class service.

We know we haven’t got everything right yet, but we’re determined to get there and even over the past few weeks I’ve noticed changes….we’re making concerted efforts to be more responsive, we’re determined to listen more closely to the feedback (both good and bad) that our customers and partners give us, the development team are focused on some major new improvements to the speed and look and feel of the product, and we’re focusing a lot more effort on looking after our Accountant partners.

What’s most gratifying is when we receive really positive feedback from customers. These are just two comments we’ve received in recent weeks:


It does everything, even CIS! Plus it’s the ONLY software that shows you the reserves available for distributions as dividends. Xero doesn’t even have a dividend account set up as default! If Xero is “beautiful accounting software” then Clear Books is sublime. <3

nice and easy to use – idiot proof!


I must confess to feeling a bit old at times; not least when a long time Clear Books friend commented that it was “good to see a few grey hairs around the place” (Cheers Paul!). OK, so I’m a good couple of decades above the average age here, but hopefully I can bring a bit of worldly wise experience to the party.

We’ll be announcing a range of new initiatives over the coming weeks and months, so stay tuned……we’re certainly excited about the Clear Books future, and we think you will be too!


Phil Sayers – Sales & Marketing Director

Posted by Darren Taylor

Darren is a Marketing Manager specialising in Digital Marketing