We hope everybody has had a relaxing and cosy Christmas and there’s enough leftover turkey and chocolate to ease you gently into January.

Our favourite thing about the new year is the opportunity it brings to start afresh and really focus on your goals after (hopefully) having thoroughly indulged over the Christmas period.

We’ve been busy making personal new year lists of things we want to achieve or change in 2015. Goals include: running a marathon, becoming more efficient, and visiting at least five new countries by December.

The question as always is where to start? Taking that first proactive leap can be the most difficult part.

We have good news though if your own resolution includes growing or even starting your own business.

Clear Books Community Exhibition which takes place at Microsoft’s London office on 6th February is a great opportunity to learn and receive practical advice about taking those crucial next entrepreneurial steps.

You can find more information here but to give you a taster, there’ll be speakers on vital topics for small businesses such as: how to make the most of marketing and PR, legal considerations, and advice on raising finance.

Other small business owners will also be showcasing a range of useful services like online training, web design, and business consulting and support.

If this sounds like something you and your business would benefit from, you can book a ticket here for just £10 …and then tick at least one thing off that new year to-do list!

Posted by Darren Taylor

Darren is a Marketing Manager specialising in Digital Marketing