We’re pleased to announce a new feature for our accounting partners – scheduled alerts! This is a new feature in the Partners area which allows you to keep track of important events relating to your clients.

An overview of the next few upcoming events will be displayed on your partner dashboard and each client’s page, and a more comprehensive customisable list can be found on the Events page. Here you’re also able to mark an event as complete so you can easily keep track of what you’ve done and what you haven’t.

Your clients will automatically have a number of pre-configured alerts, including the end of their financial year, VAT return date (if applicable) plus a set of UK-specific tax dates for all UK clients. These can be enabled or disabled on a per-client basis, and you can even add custom alerts for each client.

You can also configure up to two email alerts for each event – so, for example, you could be alerted 7 days before the event and then again on the morning of the event. All of the day’s alerts will be grouped into a single email, so we won’t spam you if you have lots of clients!

Posted by Alex Evans

Alex joined Clear Books as a developer in late 2011, and has been working hard to make running your business easier ever since.