Digital communication makes life a lot easier, but nothing can replace actually going out and meeting people to face-to-face. Here are our top five reasons why you should attend business events and promote yourself and your business in person:

1. The power of body language

Over half of communication is nonverbal and communicated via your movements or facial expression. Meeting a potential customer or business contact in person allows you to read their level of interest more accurately and adjust the conversation if necessary.

2. Save time

Rather than spending months swapping phone calls or sending emails back and forth, one quick face-to-face meeting can seal a deal in moments. It may seem like more work to take time out of the office to meet people, but a personal connection can make for stronger relationships — faster.

3. Get your business out there

We all know that social media is a vital networking and promotional tool, but with so many competing voices it’s easy for your message to get lost. Talking to someone face-to-face makes it much more likely that you’ll have a captive and receptive audience for your ideas.

4. Interactive learning

We learn more by doing than passively watching, which is why demonstrating your product or service in person is more effective than doing it remotely. Similarly, if you’re looking to learn or improve your own business skills, an interactive seminar or workshop can help you retain more information.

5. Be unique

These days everyone tends to communicate with a quick text, email or instant message. If you make it your goal to go out and meet people face-to-face, you and your business will stand out, have more impact and create more meaningful connections.

Why not start your networking mission and get your new year off to a productive start by coming to Clear Books’ first ever Community Exhibition on 6th February?

Posted by Darren Taylor

Darren is a Marketing Manager specialising in Digital Marketing