Have you visited the Clear Books Network area? This forum not only allows Clear Books users to ask questions and discuss features with the Clear Books community,  it’s also a vital source of feedback for the team here at Clear Books and is the origin of many of our software updates.

Clear Books users can suggest ideas for new features, or changes to existing features and these can be voted on by other users. We wanted to let you know about 3 Clear Books application updates that have recently been released, all of which stemmed from feedback in our Network area!

Purchase order search

We have recently introduced a search function for the purchase order page of Clear Books. This means you can now easily find a specific purchase order for a particular customer, rather than manually searching through pages to find the one you need.

Pay dates on payslips

Payslips processed through our Open Payroll app will now show the pay date, rather than the date processed. This means employees will now see the information that is most valuable and useful to them.

Time tracking

We’ve made some fixes to our time tracking sheets, making the formatting clearer in terms of displaying hours/ days worked.

Thank you to those Clear Books members who suggested these changes and contributed to the constant updates we make to our software. If you haven’t yet visited our Network area, why not take a look now and get involved with the Clear Books community!

Posted by Darren Taylor

Darren is a Marketing Manager specialising in Digital Marketing