This is the latest addition to the suite of tools developed by Clear Books and has been released into labs today to try for free!

Campaigner covers all your emailing needs whilst being fully integrated with Clear Books allowing you to send email campaigns without wasting time exporting/importing your contacts into a third party service.

What can Campaigner do?

In this early beta release Campaigner already has the following features:

CampaignsAn email to be sent to one or many recipients.
– Subject and email content (text or HTML/CSS) with full WYSIWYG i.e. codeless editing!
– Choose when your emails are sent e.g. between 7am-5pm
– Send to 1 or many mailing lists

RecipientsA set of tools used for managing the contacts you want to send emails to
– Mailing lists comprised of your Clear Books contacts
– CSV file import contacts

TemplatesCommonly used email layouts you can reuse over and over again
– Custom name e.g. Marketing Email
– Full WYSIWYG  i.e. codeless editing!
– No limit of the number of templates you can have

LayoutCampaigner is integrated with Clear Books, Open Payroll and Staff Room
– Organise Campaigns into inactive, active and archived file.

That’s not all…

The above is only our beta version! Here are some other goodies to look forward to:

New style – Campaigner will take on the new look to match Clear Books, Open Payroll and Staff Room

Campaign Statistic – Helping you get a better idea of how your emails impact your recipients
– Open % – Percentage of people opened your email or ignored it
– Click-through rates – The number many people followed through to your linked content
– Failed % – Percentage of emails that failed to reach the intended recipient
– Drop off % – Percentage of recipients who unsubscribed from your emails

 Free templates – Fully customisable, free HTML email templates ready to use out of the box

 Attachments – Files and images you want to send with your campaign

 Mailing List Subscription – A widget to add to your own website to subscribe directly to your campaigns

Ok, so how much?

It’s free! If you already have a Clear Books account you can jump right in. Campaigner is currently at a beta stage, that means we haven’t fully released all the features or made it available to everyone and that’s why you can get such a great tool for free!

Where do I start?

At the moment the beta in Labs is only available to our Accounting Partners but keep your eyes peeled for a wider release in the near future. Just log into your account and navigate to Labs from the top menu to activate Campaigner.


Posted by David Eaton

David is a Chartered Accountant and Director of SME Strategies ( which offers tailored support to ambitious SMEs and gives mentoring to owner managers.


  1. Chris Jamieson 8th July 2013 at 9:02 pm

    David sounds great – when can non-accounting partners try it in the labs. I currently use Livewire Campaign for simple newsletters. I have started to look at MailChimp as I want to use autoresponders to new customers / quotes sent. Let me know when



  2. Andy and Mark – our strategy will become a lot clearer in a few months with a few big announcements coming up.

    In general though, if we have built a tool that we use internally to run Clear Books we tend to make it available to our customers to benefit from too.

    E.g. Open Payroll we developed when we took on our first employee. We used to keep HR details in spreadsheets so decided to develop and put all the information in Staff Room instead.

    The emails you guys get from us have always been managed by our Campaigner module.

    Point taken about Open Payroll design. We are standardising all designs to the new evo theme.

    More to come on all the above soon.

    1. Yep – we’ve made the mistake of releasing apps to early in the past – it’s why we introduced our Labs area so that customers who want to have a play for free, but accept that the app isn’t the finished article, can.

      Competition killer – that’s the plan 😉

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