Aside from the performance and hosting projects, we’ve also been busy addressing a number of issues raised by customers and partners.

Fixed a rounding error on the dividends report

Improved the search functionality to look for entire strings

Fixed an error where due date sometimes showed NaN/NaN on an invoice

Bank import
Users on Together plan no longer get a confusing request to enter a VAT rate when explaining bank transactions

Customer & Supplier Statements
Updated the hyperlinks on customer statements to correctly link to sign up and tour pages

Fixed an error that totalled amount to pay incorrectly on supplier statements

Added validation to ensure a VAT return must always have a name i.e. can no longer be blank

Fixed an error that occurred on the VAT comparison report when a date was selected prior to any VAT periods being set up

VAT rounding is now toggled off by default for new sign ups

The PDF VAT return can now only be created for VAT returns with less than 10,000 transactions.

Added validation when entering a flat rate percentage to ensure only valid numbers can be entered

Fixed an error which showed the date of leaving flat rate scheme as Jan 1970 on the VAT comparison report

Fixed an error that displayed e.g. 2015 as 1915 in the VAT return name

When on VAT cash accounting with multi-currency invoices, the FX adjustment recorded on VAT return now creates a matching entry in the VAT control account

Added custom account codes to the general ledger export CSV

Bank account codes
Bank account codes now sit within a group called “Current assets” rather than “Trade Debtors”

Time tracking
Fixed the dashboard time tracking widget to correctly show unbilled and billed time

Items on the stock report are now sorted alphabetically

Items on the stock report exclude deleted stock items

removed shareholder field from add/edit supplier

Added validation to make default account codes required fields if importing data into accounting from payroll

Removed archived directors as an option for authorising director when creating dividends

Applied a new design “Look and Feel” to the product

What we’re working on right now

A range of enhancements to the Payroll product, specifically designed to help those of you running a payroll bureau are due for release at the beginning of January.

Making the P45 available for an employee who has a leave date set and final payroll processed, even though they may not have reached their leave date.

Addressing a navigation issue when processing payroll on accounts that don’t have an accounting subscription.

Ensuring that all Payroll bureau companies are shown in the payroll bureau list even if they don’t have an accounting subscription.

Ensuring statutory recovery takes into account the employment allowance.

Posted by Darren Taylor

Darren is a Marketing Manager specialising in Digital Marketing